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רוב כף אחת

  • 1 כף

    כַּףc. (b. h.; כָּפַף) (something arched, hollow, 1) palm of the hand, hand.Du. כַּפַּיִם. Y.Ber.I, 3c bot., v. חָטַף. Naz.46b, v. כָּנָף; a. fr.נשא כ׳ to raise the hands, to pronounce the priestly benediction. Ber.V, 4 לא ישא את כַּפָּיו must not pronounce ; a. fr. 2) sole of the foot. Du. as ab. Ḥull.70b מהלכי כ׳ animals walking on soles (haying no split hoofs, Lev. 11:27).Trnsf. glove; sole of the shoe. Kel. XXVI, 3 כף לוקטי(ם) קוצים (R. S. כפלוקטי) the thorn-pickers glove. Tosef. ib. B. Bath. IV, 5 רוב כף אחת, the larger portion of one sole; כל כף אחת the whole of 3) the crest (fleshy elevation) over the genitals. Tosef.Nidd.VI, 4, sq. עד שתפשט את הכף (Var. משתתפשט) when the crest (of the girl) begins to flatten; Y.Yeb.I, 2d bot. עד שתתפשט הכף; Y.Snh.VIII, beg.26a משתתפשט הכ׳ (of a male); Nidd.47a, sq. נתמעך הכ׳ the crest grows lower. Ib. 52b אחת על הכ׳ one hair on the crest; a. e. 4) pan, censer. Tam.V, 4 (containing the בָּזָךְ). Ib. VII, 2 כף וכסויה the censer and its lid; a. fr.Pl. כַּפּוֹת. Num. R. s. 14; a. e. 5) spoon, masons trowel Kel. XIII, 2; 4; a. fr. Sabb.VIII, 5 כ׳ סיד, expl. ib. 80b כ׳ של סיידין the plasterers trowel.Pl. כַּפִּים, כַּפִּין. Midd. III, 4 כפין של ברזל Ar. (ed. כפיס, Var. כפים) iron trowels. 6) (with, or without מאזנים) scale of the balance. Ab. II, 8. Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 167a> כ׳ עוונותוכ׳ the scale of sins on the one side, and that of merits on the other; והקב״ה מטה לכ׳ זכות and the Lord bends (the balance) towards the scale of merits. Ab. I, 6, v. זְכוּת; a. fr.Du. כַּפַּיִים, כַּפַּיִין. Tosef.Kel.B. Mets. II, 5 (ed. Zuck. כיפין, read: כפיין).7) shore, banks (v. כֵּיפָא). Num. R. s. 13, v. חָף.Pl. כַּפִּים, constr. כַּפֵּי. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (transl. גיא המלח, 2 Chr. 25:11) כ׳ המלח the salt shores.

    Jewish literature > כף

  • 2 כַּף

    כַּףc. (b. h.; כָּפַף) (something arched, hollow, 1) palm of the hand, hand.Du. כַּפַּיִם. Y.Ber.I, 3c bot., v. חָטַף. Naz.46b, v. כָּנָף; a. fr.נשא כ׳ to raise the hands, to pronounce the priestly benediction. Ber.V, 4 לא ישא את כַּפָּיו must not pronounce ; a. fr. 2) sole of the foot. Du. as ab. Ḥull.70b מהלכי כ׳ animals walking on soles (haying no split hoofs, Lev. 11:27).Trnsf. glove; sole of the shoe. Kel. XXVI, 3 כף לוקטי(ם) קוצים (R. S. כפלוקטי) the thorn-pickers glove. Tosef. ib. B. Bath. IV, 5 רוב כף אחת, the larger portion of one sole; כל כף אחת the whole of 3) the crest (fleshy elevation) over the genitals. Tosef.Nidd.VI, 4, sq. עד שתפשט את הכף (Var. משתתפשט) when the crest (of the girl) begins to flatten; Y.Yeb.I, 2d bot. עד שתתפשט הכף; Y.Snh.VIII, beg.26a משתתפשט הכ׳ (of a male); Nidd.47a, sq. נתמעך הכ׳ the crest grows lower. Ib. 52b אחת על הכ׳ one hair on the crest; a. e. 4) pan, censer. Tam.V, 4 (containing the בָּזָךְ). Ib. VII, 2 כף וכסויה the censer and its lid; a. fr.Pl. כַּפּוֹת. Num. R. s. 14; a. e. 5) spoon, masons trowel Kel. XIII, 2; 4; a. fr. Sabb.VIII, 5 כ׳ סיד, expl. ib. 80b כ׳ של סיידין the plasterers trowel.Pl. כַּפִּים, כַּפִּין. Midd. III, 4 כפין של ברזל Ar. (ed. כפיס, Var. כפים) iron trowels. 6) (with, or without מאזנים) scale of the balance. Ab. II, 8. Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 167a> כ׳ עוונותוכ׳ the scale of sins on the one side, and that of merits on the other; והקב״ה מטה לכ׳ זכות and the Lord bends (the balance) towards the scale of merits. Ab. I, 6, v. זְכוּת; a. fr.Du. כַּפַּיִים, כַּפַּיִין. Tosef.Kel.B. Mets. II, 5 (ed. Zuck. כיפין, read: כפיין).7) shore, banks (v. כֵּיפָא). Num. R. s. 13, v. חָף.Pl. כַּפִּים, constr. כַּפֵּי. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (transl. גיא המלח, 2 Chr. 25:11) כ׳ המלח the salt shores.

    Jewish literature > כַּף

  • 3 ראי

    ראי, רָאָה(b. h.) ( to meet with, 1) to see. Ber.IX, 1 הרואֶה מקיםוכ׳ he who sees (comes to) a place Ib. 56b הרואה נהר בחלום he who sees a river in his dream. B. Bath.82a כל שרואה פני חמה, v. גֶּזַע. Gen. R. s. 56 רוֹאִים אתם … רואה do you see what I see? Ex. R. s. 3 אתה רואה ראייה אחתוכ׳ thou seest only one vision, but I see two; אתה רואה אותן באיןוכ׳ thou seest them come to Sinai and receive my Law, but I see B. Mets.73b רָאִיתָ שאינווכ׳ if thou observest that he does not conduct himself properly; a. v. fr.Snh.52a הֵנִרְאֶה מיוכ׳ (Ms. M. הֵא נראה) well, we shall see which, v. קָבַר. Sabb.150a לא יאמר … הנראה שתעמורוכ׳ one must not say to ones neighbor (on the Sabbath), well, we shall see (I am confident) that you will be with me in the evening (for business); Ab. Zar.7a (Tosaf. = הֲנִרְאֶה בעיניך, Nif. is it pleasing to thee?); Tosef.Sabb. XVII (XVIII), 11 נראה ed. Zuck. (Var. הנ׳). Sifré Num. 84 הנראה שתגיע עמנווכ׳ be sure to arrive with (meet) us at Ib. הנ׳ שתעמידניוכ׳ be sure to wake me up, for I ר׳ דם, ר׳ קרי to have an attack, be affected with. Yeb.76a לאר׳ קרי מימיו he never had a nightly pollution. Zab. I, 1 ר׳ אחת … ובשלישיר׳ שתים (sub. זיבה) if he felt one attack of gonorrhœa …, and on the third day he had two attacks. Ber.III, 6 רָאֲתָה נדה (sub. דם) felt menstruation. Ib. 26a ר׳ זיבה felt a flux; a. fr. 2) to reflect; to reason; to consider. B. Bath.83a רוֹאִין … כאילווכ׳ we consider the central vine-trees as if not existing. Erub.I, 5 רואין אותה … מתכת we consider it (the cross-piece of straw or reeds) as if it were of metal; עקימה רואיןוכ׳ if it is curved, we consider it as if it were straight. Gen. R. l. c. הוי רואה דמיווכ׳ look upon the blood of this ram, as if it were the blood of ; a. v. fr.מהר׳ what did he see?, what was the reason; in gen. why? B. Bath. 123a מהר׳ יעקב שנטלוכ׳ what reason had Jacob to take the birthright from Reuben? Pes.53b מה רָאוּ … שמסרווכ׳ what did Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah have in mind (how did they reason) when they were ready to give up their lives ? Sifré Deut. 307 מה ראו … שנשטפווכ׳ why were the men of the flood drowned ?; a. fr. 3) to see the reason of, to like, choose, prefer, approve of. Keth.XIII, 3, sq. רואה אני את רבריוכ׳ I like the opinion of Admon. Ib. 109a כל מקום שאמר … רואח אניוכ׳ wherever R. G. said, I like, that opinion is the adopted rule. Ab. II, 7 רואה אני … מדבריכם I prefer what El. … said to what you said; a. fr.Part. pass. רָאוּי; f. רְאוּיָה; pl. רְאוּיִים; רְאוּיִין; רְאוּיוֹת chosen, selected; designated, predestined; fit, worthy, adapted (v. חֲזִי). Bekh.59b, a. e. מנין הר׳, v. מִנְיָן. Ḥull.83b, a. fr. כל הר׳ לבילה whatever is capable of being mixed, v. בִּילָה. Nidd.VI, 4 כל הר׳ לדוןוכ׳ whoever is fit (authorized) to give judgment in a criminal court, is fit Sabb.89b ר׳ היה יעקבוכ׳ Jacob was destined to go down to Egypt in iron chains, but his merits were the cause (that no such force was used). Snh.107a ר׳ היתהוכ׳ Bathsheba … was predestined (as wife) for David, only he anticipated fate, v. פַּגָּה. Ber.4a ר׳ היו ישראל ליעשותוכ׳ it had been intended that a miracle be performed for the Israelites in Ezras days, as it has been in Joshuas time, but sin was the cause (that it was not done). Nidd.60a ר׳ לראות fit (old enough) to have menstruation; a. v. fr. Nif. נִרְאָה 1) to be seen, be visible; to appear; to seem. Gen. R. s. 48 נִרְאִין כאוכליןוכ׳ they had the appearance of eating, one course after the other being removed. Pesik. R. s. 21 בפנים הרבה נ׳ להםוכ׳ the Lord appeared to them at Sinai with various expressions of countenance. Pesik. Vayhi, p. 5a> קרסי זהב נראין … הנראיןוכ׳, v. קֶרֶס. Ḥag.2a; Snh.4b, a. e. (ref. to יראה, Ex. 23:17) יִרְאֶה יֵרָאֶה … לִרְאוֹת … לֵירָאוֹת you may read it yireh (he shall see, the Lord) or yeraëh (he shall be seen): as He comes to see, so does He come to be seen (i. e. he that is blind in one eye is exempt from visiting the Temple. Ḥag.5b הנראין ואינן רואין … הרואים יאינן נראין, v. קָבַל I, Hif.Pes.53a שנ׳ כמקדישוכ׳ it looks as if he dedicated his animal as a sacrifice, and were to eat sacred meat outside of the Temple. Ab. II, 3 נראין כאוהביןוכ׳ they appear to be friends as long as it profits them; a. v. fr. 2) to become fit, be fit. Yoma 64a, v. דָּחָה. Succ.33b נ׳ ונדחה חוזר ונ׳ what had been fit at one time of the Holy Day, and was discarded (on account of a temporary unfitness), may again become fit (for use on the same day); a. e. 3) to be liked, approved of; to appear reasonable. Ḥull.108b נ׳ דבריוכ׳ R. Judahs opinion is acceptable in the event that no stirring has taken place. Ib. 109a נ׳ דבריר׳ י׳ בהא … בהא R. Judahs opinion is acceptable in such a case, and that of the scholars in such a case. Ber.33b ר׳ חייא … נראין R. Ḥ. bar Abba reported Rabbi to have said nirin (it seems acceptable), contrad. to מטין a. מודים; Erub.46b; a. fr. Hif. הֶרְאָה to cause to see; to show. Pesik. Shek., p. 19a> (ref. to Ex. 30:13) כמין מטבע … והֶרְאֵהוּ למשהוכ׳ the Lord took a sort of a coin of fire from under his throne of glory and showed it to Moses, saying, ‘this they shall give, like this Ib. p. 18b> הקטנהה׳ לדודוכ׳ he (Joab) produced before David the smaller census, the larger he did not. Kidd.48b; B. Bath. 165a, a. e. מרְאֶה מקום הוא לו he merely indicated the place to him, v. קְפֵידָא. Ber.55b מראין לו חלום טוב is shown a good dream (vision), Ib. הֶרְאוּהוּ חלומווכ׳ was shown his own dream and the interpretation of his fellow prisoners dream. Ab. Zar.5a ה׳ לוהקב״ה לאדם דורוכ׳ the Lord allowed Adam to see each coming generation and its preachers Taan.10b אל תַּרְאוּ עצמכםוכ׳, v. שָׂבֵעַ I; a. v. fr.ה׳ פנים a) ( to show a ( friendly) face, to visit the mourner. Y.M. Kat. III, 82b מפני … להַרְאוֹתוכ׳ why is it recommended to visit the mourner (on the Sabbath, when no other mourning ceremonies are otherwise observed)? Ib. 83a bot. אין מראיןוכ׳ a mourner is not visited on New Years Day Gen. R. s. 100; a. e.b) to enlighten, convince by clear argument. Snh.93b (ref. to איש תאר, 1 Sam. 16:18) שמראה פנים בהלכה he makes faces shine when he argues; Num. R. s. 13; (Ruth R. to II, 1; Yalk. Sam. 125 שמאיר); a. e. Hof. הוּרְאָה to be shown. Y.M. Kat. III, 82c top אם הוּרְאוּ לו רוב פנים if most of the faces have been shown him, i. e. if the majority of comforters have been to see him (v. supra). Hithpa. הִתְרָאֶה to show ones self. Taan.10b שכח … אל יִתְרָאֶה בפני הצבור if he forgot and ate and drank (in a place where a fast is held), he must not show himself before the people.

    Jewish literature > ראי

  • 4 ראה

    ראי, רָאָה(b. h.) ( to meet with, 1) to see. Ber.IX, 1 הרואֶה מקיםוכ׳ he who sees (comes to) a place Ib. 56b הרואה נהר בחלום he who sees a river in his dream. B. Bath.82a כל שרואה פני חמה, v. גֶּזַע. Gen. R. s. 56 רוֹאִים אתם … רואה do you see what I see? Ex. R. s. 3 אתה רואה ראייה אחתוכ׳ thou seest only one vision, but I see two; אתה רואה אותן באיןוכ׳ thou seest them come to Sinai and receive my Law, but I see B. Mets.73b רָאִיתָ שאינווכ׳ if thou observest that he does not conduct himself properly; a. v. fr.Snh.52a הֵנִרְאֶה מיוכ׳ (Ms. M. הֵא נראה) well, we shall see which, v. קָבַר. Sabb.150a לא יאמר … הנראה שתעמורוכ׳ one must not say to ones neighbor (on the Sabbath), well, we shall see (I am confident) that you will be with me in the evening (for business); Ab. Zar.7a (Tosaf. = הֲנִרְאֶה בעיניך, Nif. is it pleasing to thee?); Tosef.Sabb. XVII (XVIII), 11 נראה ed. Zuck. (Var. הנ׳). Sifré Num. 84 הנראה שתגיע עמנווכ׳ be sure to arrive with (meet) us at Ib. הנ׳ שתעמידניוכ׳ be sure to wake me up, for I ר׳ דם, ר׳ קרי to have an attack, be affected with. Yeb.76a לאר׳ קרי מימיו he never had a nightly pollution. Zab. I, 1 ר׳ אחת … ובשלישיר׳ שתים (sub. זיבה) if he felt one attack of gonorrhœa …, and on the third day he had two attacks. Ber.III, 6 רָאֲתָה נדה (sub. דם) felt menstruation. Ib. 26a ר׳ זיבה felt a flux; a. fr. 2) to reflect; to reason; to consider. B. Bath.83a רוֹאִין … כאילווכ׳ we consider the central vine-trees as if not existing. Erub.I, 5 רואין אותה … מתכת we consider it (the cross-piece of straw or reeds) as if it were of metal; עקימה רואיןוכ׳ if it is curved, we consider it as if it were straight. Gen. R. l. c. הוי רואה דמיווכ׳ look upon the blood of this ram, as if it were the blood of ; a. v. fr.מהר׳ what did he see?, what was the reason; in gen. why? B. Bath. 123a מהר׳ יעקב שנטלוכ׳ what reason had Jacob to take the birthright from Reuben? Pes.53b מה רָאוּ … שמסרווכ׳ what did Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah have in mind (how did they reason) when they were ready to give up their lives ? Sifré Deut. 307 מה ראו … שנשטפווכ׳ why were the men of the flood drowned ?; a. fr. 3) to see the reason of, to like, choose, prefer, approve of. Keth.XIII, 3, sq. רואה אני את רבריוכ׳ I like the opinion of Admon. Ib. 109a כל מקום שאמר … רואח אניוכ׳ wherever R. G. said, I like, that opinion is the adopted rule. Ab. II, 7 רואה אני … מדבריכם I prefer what El. … said to what you said; a. fr.Part. pass. רָאוּי; f. רְאוּיָה; pl. רְאוּיִים; רְאוּיִין; רְאוּיוֹת chosen, selected; designated, predestined; fit, worthy, adapted (v. חֲזִי). Bekh.59b, a. e. מנין הר׳, v. מִנְיָן. Ḥull.83b, a. fr. כל הר׳ לבילה whatever is capable of being mixed, v. בִּילָה. Nidd.VI, 4 כל הר׳ לדוןוכ׳ whoever is fit (authorized) to give judgment in a criminal court, is fit Sabb.89b ר׳ היה יעקבוכ׳ Jacob was destined to go down to Egypt in iron chains, but his merits were the cause (that no such force was used). Snh.107a ר׳ היתהוכ׳ Bathsheba … was predestined (as wife) for David, only he anticipated fate, v. פַּגָּה. Ber.4a ר׳ היו ישראל ליעשותוכ׳ it had been intended that a miracle be performed for the Israelites in Ezras days, as it has been in Joshuas time, but sin was the cause (that it was not done). Nidd.60a ר׳ לראות fit (old enough) to have menstruation; a. v. fr. Nif. נִרְאָה 1) to be seen, be visible; to appear; to seem. Gen. R. s. 48 נִרְאִין כאוכליןוכ׳ they had the appearance of eating, one course after the other being removed. Pesik. R. s. 21 בפנים הרבה נ׳ להםוכ׳ the Lord appeared to them at Sinai with various expressions of countenance. Pesik. Vayhi, p. 5a> קרסי זהב נראין … הנראיןוכ׳, v. קֶרֶס. Ḥag.2a; Snh.4b, a. e. (ref. to יראה, Ex. 23:17) יִרְאֶה יֵרָאֶה … לִרְאוֹת … לֵירָאוֹת you may read it yireh (he shall see, the Lord) or yeraëh (he shall be seen): as He comes to see, so does He come to be seen (i. e. he that is blind in one eye is exempt from visiting the Temple. Ḥag.5b הנראין ואינן רואין … הרואים יאינן נראין, v. קָבַל I, Hif.Pes.53a שנ׳ כמקדישוכ׳ it looks as if he dedicated his animal as a sacrifice, and were to eat sacred meat outside of the Temple. Ab. II, 3 נראין כאוהביןוכ׳ they appear to be friends as long as it profits them; a. v. fr. 2) to become fit, be fit. Yoma 64a, v. דָּחָה. Succ.33b נ׳ ונדחה חוזר ונ׳ what had been fit at one time of the Holy Day, and was discarded (on account of a temporary unfitness), may again become fit (for use on the same day); a. e. 3) to be liked, approved of; to appear reasonable. Ḥull.108b נ׳ דבריוכ׳ R. Judahs opinion is acceptable in the event that no stirring has taken place. Ib. 109a נ׳ דבריר׳ י׳ בהא … בהא R. Judahs opinion is acceptable in such a case, and that of the scholars in such a case. Ber.33b ר׳ חייא … נראין R. Ḥ. bar Abba reported Rabbi to have said nirin (it seems acceptable), contrad. to מטין a. מודים; Erub.46b; a. fr. Hif. הֶרְאָה to cause to see; to show. Pesik. Shek., p. 19a> (ref. to Ex. 30:13) כמין מטבע … והֶרְאֵהוּ למשהוכ׳ the Lord took a sort of a coin of fire from under his throne of glory and showed it to Moses, saying, ‘this they shall give, like this Ib. p. 18b> הקטנהה׳ לדודוכ׳ he (Joab) produced before David the smaller census, the larger he did not. Kidd.48b; B. Bath. 165a, a. e. מרְאֶה מקום הוא לו he merely indicated the place to him, v. קְפֵידָא. Ber.55b מראין לו חלום טוב is shown a good dream (vision), Ib. הֶרְאוּהוּ חלומווכ׳ was shown his own dream and the interpretation of his fellow prisoners dream. Ab. Zar.5a ה׳ לוהקב״ה לאדם דורוכ׳ the Lord allowed Adam to see each coming generation and its preachers Taan.10b אל תַּרְאוּ עצמכםוכ׳, v. שָׂבֵעַ I; a. v. fr.ה׳ פנים a) ( to show a ( friendly) face, to visit the mourner. Y.M. Kat. III, 82b מפני … להַרְאוֹתוכ׳ why is it recommended to visit the mourner (on the Sabbath, when no other mourning ceremonies are otherwise observed)? Ib. 83a bot. אין מראיןוכ׳ a mourner is not visited on New Years Day Gen. R. s. 100; a. e.b) to enlighten, convince by clear argument. Snh.93b (ref. to איש תאר, 1 Sam. 16:18) שמראה פנים בהלכה he makes faces shine when he argues; Num. R. s. 13; (Ruth R. to II, 1; Yalk. Sam. 125 שמאיר); a. e. Hof. הוּרְאָה to be shown. Y.M. Kat. III, 82c top אם הוּרְאוּ לו רוב פנים if most of the faces have been shown him, i. e. if the majority of comforters have been to see him (v. supra). Hithpa. הִתְרָאֶה to show ones self. Taan.10b שכח … אל יִתְרָאֶה בפני הצבור if he forgot and ate and drank (in a place where a fast is held), he must not show himself before the people.

    Jewish literature > ראה

  • 5 רָאָה

    ראי, רָאָה(b. h.) ( to meet with, 1) to see. Ber.IX, 1 הרואֶה מקיםוכ׳ he who sees (comes to) a place Ib. 56b הרואה נהר בחלום he who sees a river in his dream. B. Bath.82a כל שרואה פני חמה, v. גֶּזַע. Gen. R. s. 56 רוֹאִים אתם … רואה do you see what I see? Ex. R. s. 3 אתה רואה ראייה אחתוכ׳ thou seest only one vision, but I see two; אתה רואה אותן באיןוכ׳ thou seest them come to Sinai and receive my Law, but I see B. Mets.73b רָאִיתָ שאינווכ׳ if thou observest that he does not conduct himself properly; a. v. fr.Snh.52a הֵנִרְאֶה מיוכ׳ (Ms. M. הֵא נראה) well, we shall see which, v. קָבַר. Sabb.150a לא יאמר … הנראה שתעמורוכ׳ one must not say to ones neighbor (on the Sabbath), well, we shall see (I am confident) that you will be with me in the evening (for business); Ab. Zar.7a (Tosaf. = הֲנִרְאֶה בעיניך, Nif. is it pleasing to thee?); Tosef.Sabb. XVII (XVIII), 11 נראה ed. Zuck. (Var. הנ׳). Sifré Num. 84 הנראה שתגיע עמנווכ׳ be sure to arrive with (meet) us at Ib. הנ׳ שתעמידניוכ׳ be sure to wake me up, for I ר׳ דם, ר׳ קרי to have an attack, be affected with. Yeb.76a לאר׳ קרי מימיו he never had a nightly pollution. Zab. I, 1 ר׳ אחת … ובשלישיר׳ שתים (sub. זיבה) if he felt one attack of gonorrhœa …, and on the third day he had two attacks. Ber.III, 6 רָאֲתָה נדה (sub. דם) felt menstruation. Ib. 26a ר׳ זיבה felt a flux; a. fr. 2) to reflect; to reason; to consider. B. Bath.83a רוֹאִין … כאילווכ׳ we consider the central vine-trees as if not existing. Erub.I, 5 רואין אותה … מתכת we consider it (the cross-piece of straw or reeds) as if it were of metal; עקימה רואיןוכ׳ if it is curved, we consider it as if it were straight. Gen. R. l. c. הוי רואה דמיווכ׳ look upon the blood of this ram, as if it were the blood of ; a. v. fr.מהר׳ what did he see?, what was the reason; in gen. why? B. Bath. 123a מהר׳ יעקב שנטלוכ׳ what reason had Jacob to take the birthright from Reuben? Pes.53b מה רָאוּ … שמסרווכ׳ what did Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah have in mind (how did they reason) when they were ready to give up their lives ? Sifré Deut. 307 מה ראו … שנשטפווכ׳ why were the men of the flood drowned ?; a. fr. 3) to see the reason of, to like, choose, prefer, approve of. Keth.XIII, 3, sq. רואה אני את רבריוכ׳ I like the opinion of Admon. Ib. 109a כל מקום שאמר … רואח אניוכ׳ wherever R. G. said, I like, that opinion is the adopted rule. Ab. II, 7 רואה אני … מדבריכם I prefer what El. … said to what you said; a. fr.Part. pass. רָאוּי; f. רְאוּיָה; pl. רְאוּיִים; רְאוּיִין; רְאוּיוֹת chosen, selected; designated, predestined; fit, worthy, adapted (v. חֲזִי). Bekh.59b, a. e. מנין הר׳, v. מִנְיָן. Ḥull.83b, a. fr. כל הר׳ לבילה whatever is capable of being mixed, v. בִּילָה. Nidd.VI, 4 כל הר׳ לדוןוכ׳ whoever is fit (authorized) to give judgment in a criminal court, is fit Sabb.89b ר׳ היה יעקבוכ׳ Jacob was destined to go down to Egypt in iron chains, but his merits were the cause (that no such force was used). Snh.107a ר׳ היתהוכ׳ Bathsheba … was predestined (as wife) for David, only he anticipated fate, v. פַּגָּה. Ber.4a ר׳ היו ישראל ליעשותוכ׳ it had been intended that a miracle be performed for the Israelites in Ezras days, as it has been in Joshuas time, but sin was the cause (that it was not done). Nidd.60a ר׳ לראות fit (old enough) to have menstruation; a. v. fr. Nif. נִרְאָה 1) to be seen, be visible; to appear; to seem. Gen. R. s. 48 נִרְאִין כאוכליןוכ׳ they had the appearance of eating, one course after the other being removed. Pesik. R. s. 21 בפנים הרבה נ׳ להםוכ׳ the Lord appeared to them at Sinai with various expressions of countenance. Pesik. Vayhi, p. 5a> קרסי זהב נראין … הנראיןוכ׳, v. קֶרֶס. Ḥag.2a; Snh.4b, a. e. (ref. to יראה, Ex. 23:17) יִרְאֶה יֵרָאֶה … לִרְאוֹת … לֵירָאוֹת you may read it yireh (he shall see, the Lord) or yeraëh (he shall be seen): as He comes to see, so does He come to be seen (i. e. he that is blind in one eye is exempt from visiting the Temple. Ḥag.5b הנראין ואינן רואין … הרואים יאינן נראין, v. קָבַל I, Hif.Pes.53a שנ׳ כמקדישוכ׳ it looks as if he dedicated his animal as a sacrifice, and were to eat sacred meat outside of the Temple. Ab. II, 3 נראין כאוהביןוכ׳ they appear to be friends as long as it profits them; a. v. fr. 2) to become fit, be fit. Yoma 64a, v. דָּחָה. Succ.33b נ׳ ונדחה חוזר ונ׳ what had been fit at one time of the Holy Day, and was discarded (on account of a temporary unfitness), may again become fit (for use on the same day); a. e. 3) to be liked, approved of; to appear reasonable. Ḥull.108b נ׳ דבריוכ׳ R. Judahs opinion is acceptable in the event that no stirring has taken place. Ib. 109a נ׳ דבריר׳ י׳ בהא … בהא R. Judahs opinion is acceptable in such a case, and that of the scholars in such a case. Ber.33b ר׳ חייא … נראין R. Ḥ. bar Abba reported Rabbi to have said nirin (it seems acceptable), contrad. to מטין a. מודים; Erub.46b; a. fr. Hif. הֶרְאָה to cause to see; to show. Pesik. Shek., p. 19a> (ref. to Ex. 30:13) כמין מטבע … והֶרְאֵהוּ למשהוכ׳ the Lord took a sort of a coin of fire from under his throne of glory and showed it to Moses, saying, ‘this they shall give, like this Ib. p. 18b> הקטנהה׳ לדודוכ׳ he (Joab) produced before David the smaller census, the larger he did not. Kidd.48b; B. Bath. 165a, a. e. מרְאֶה מקום הוא לו he merely indicated the place to him, v. קְפֵידָא. Ber.55b מראין לו חלום טוב is shown a good dream (vision), Ib. הֶרְאוּהוּ חלומווכ׳ was shown his own dream and the interpretation of his fellow prisoners dream. Ab. Zar.5a ה׳ לוהקב״ה לאדם דורוכ׳ the Lord allowed Adam to see each coming generation and its preachers Taan.10b אל תַּרְאוּ עצמכםוכ׳, v. שָׂבֵעַ I; a. v. fr.ה׳ פנים a) ( to show a ( friendly) face, to visit the mourner. Y.M. Kat. III, 82b מפני … להַרְאוֹתוכ׳ why is it recommended to visit the mourner (on the Sabbath, when no other mourning ceremonies are otherwise observed)? Ib. 83a bot. אין מראיןוכ׳ a mourner is not visited on New Years Day Gen. R. s. 100; a. e.b) to enlighten, convince by clear argument. Snh.93b (ref. to איש תאר, 1 Sam. 16:18) שמראה פנים בהלכה he makes faces shine when he argues; Num. R. s. 13; (Ruth R. to II, 1; Yalk. Sam. 125 שמאיר); a. e. Hof. הוּרְאָה to be shown. Y.M. Kat. III, 82c top אם הוּרְאוּ לו רוב פנים if most of the faces have been shown him, i. e. if the majority of comforters have been to see him (v. supra). Hithpa. הִתְרָאֶה to show ones self. Taan.10b שכח … אל יִתְרָאֶה בפני הצבור if he forgot and ate and drank (in a place where a fast is held), he must not show himself before the people.

    Jewish literature > רָאָה

См. также в других словарях:

  • ים — 1 אגם, מקווה מים, אוקיינוס, ימה, מקור מים גדו 2 זמן זריחת השמש עד שקיעתה, שעות זריחת השמש, ההפך מלילה; יממה, 24 שעו 3 מערב, אחת מארבע רוחות השמים, כיוון שקיעת השמ 4 שפע, מבול, המון, הרבה, זרם רב, רוב, עושר, שפעה, מגוון, מבחר, כמות גדולה, כמות… …   אוצר עברית

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